Septic Tank Cleaning

Professional Septic Tank Cleaning Services

Malburg's Sanitation Service is your local choice for high-quality residential septic tank cleaning services in the Ludington, MI area. With a reputation spanning over 70 years, we are trained and experienced to provide a thorough and careful cleaning service for your tank. We will go the extra mile to ensure that you're completely satisfied with our quality of work.

By cleaning your tank regularly, you'll have a good chance to avoid clogs in your drain field. It’s best not to wait for a problem to occur. Routine cleaning is the best way to avoid a backup. We guarantee you a thorough septic cleaning service.

Choose Us for Your Septic Tank's Maintenance Needs

Contact our team every 3 years for a complete septic system cleaning service to prevent any potential issues from occurring in the future. If you have any questions or concerns about your system, let us perform an inspection.

Take Advantage of Our Cost-Effective Septic Services

When you trust our experts, you'll experience the benefits that come with your decision. No matter what your service request is, you can rest assured that the area will be left clean when we're done. Sounds good, right? We look forward to serving your family soon!


Septic System Installation


Service Call/Inspections